Thursday 30 May 2013

Resepi dalam pantang : Sambal bilis berkunyit

Menyalin dan mengumpul resepi merupakan aktiviti yang saya gemari. Membeli buku resepi pun. Cuba dan buat tu perkara lain. Yang penting ada hehe. Semalam ada terbaca tentang resepi dalam pantang yang 'simple' dan mudah untuk dibuat dalam Fanpage Pa & Ma. Diambil daripada sini. Saya kongsikan di sini, mudah-mudahan bermanfaat untuk pembaca blog ini.

Sambal Bilis Berkunyit

Menurut kajian, masalah perut buncit akibat kehamilan boleh berkekalan jika tidak diatasi dengan segera. Elakkan makanan berlemak sewaktu berpantang tetapi jangan abaikan pengambilan makanan berkhasiat.

Masa penyediaan: 30 minit

 *100 gm ikan bilis
*3 sm kunyit tua dikisar halus
*3 sm lempoyang dikisar halus
*2 sudu kecil lada hitam
*2 sudu minyak untuk menumis

Cara menyediakannya:
1. Goreng ikan bilis tanpa minyak.
2.Tumbuk kasar ikan bilis goreng bersama lada hitam.
3. Dengan kuali bersih, tumis bahan yang dikisar hingga naik bau.
4. Masukkan ikan bilis dan lada hitam yang ditumbuk tadi ke dalam kuali dan gaul rata.
5. Sedia dimakan bersama ulam-ulaman dan nasi panas.

Selamat mencuba :)

Siti Nor Kamilah

Shaklee Independent Distributor 
ID 885322
SMS/Telefon : 013-924 3387
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Facebook : Siti Nor Kamilah

Monday 13 May 2013

Testimoni Vivix

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Siti Nor Kamilah

Shaklee Independent Distributor 
ID 885322
SMS/Telefon : 013-924 3387
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Facebook : Siti Nor Kamilah

Monday 22 April 2013

Tiada lagi eyebag, pigmentasi, tak cepat penat - Testimoni kolagen

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Siti Nor Kamilah

Shaklee Independent Distributor 
ID 885322
SMS/Telefon : 013-924 3387
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Facebook : Siti Nor Kamilah

Kerja atau keluarga

Bagi wanita, terutamanya para ibu, pasti selalu mengalami dilema dalam memilih kerja atau keluarga. Tambahan pula kalau anak dah berderet. Saya pun salah seorang daripadanya. Teringat lagi masa hari pertama bekerja selepas cuti pantang selama 3 bulan. Hampir menitik air mata masa nak tinggalkan Siti Khadijah dengan pengasuhnya. Tapi dapat saya tahan. Malu kalau suami nampak. 

Tambahan pula si kecil saya tu masih menyusu badan sepenuhnya. Saya tak mampu melupakan 'moment' itu. Jika boleh memilih, sudah pasti saya akan memilih untuk menjadi suri rumah sepenuh masa. Itu cita-cita saya sejak sebelum kahwin lagi. Tak tahu kenapa, tapi itulah yang saya impikan. 

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Buat masa sekarang, saya belum dapat merealisasikan impian saya itu kerana banyak faktor. Faktor utamanya, saya mempunyai hutang PTPTN. Kalau suami jutawan, takde masalah. Kalau tak kerja, takkanlah suami saya pula yang terpaksa langsaikan hutang tersebut. Juga faktor-faktor lain yang tidak dapat saya kongsikan di sini. 

Antara sebab saya nak jadi suri rumah - dapat jaga anak sendiri 24 jam, dapat menumpukan sepenuh masa untuk urusan rumah tangga (tiada istilah penat setelah balik dari kerja lagi), rasa lebih tenang apabila berada di rumah (sudah fitrah seorang wanita), bosan dengan politik di pejabat, sering rasa 'stress' dengan timbunan kerja dan panjang lagi senarai kalau nak letak kat sini. Apapun alasannya, memang saya suka sangat duduk di rumah. 

Sebelum ini saya tak nampak yang impian saya itu boleh direalisasikan. Rasa macam mustahil. Rasa macam kena kerja sampai pencen. Tapi kini saya dah mula nampak jalannya. Agak-agak apa ye? Jawapannya tentulah dengan bisnes Shaklee.

Siti Nor Kamilah

Shaklee Independent Distributor 
ID 885322
SMS/Telefon : 013-924 3387
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Facebook : Siti Nor Kamilah

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Suplemen VS Healing crisis

Salah satu perkara penting yang perlu diketahui apabila mengambil suplemen ialah healing crisis atau krisis penyembuhan. Hampir semua orang akan mengalami krisis penyembuhan ini, bergantung kepada tahap kesihatan seseorang. Pengalaman saya sendiri, mengalami demam panas selepas mengambil alfalfa. Mungkin juga kerana kurang minum air salah satu faktor penyebabnya. 

QWhat is healing crisis?

A:Healing crisis is a process in which the body undergoes an intense period of cleansing and rebuilding. As part of the healing process the body will begin to discard toxic residues which have build up in your body over the years.During the process of toxic elimination, your body will experience some of the uncomfortable signs and symptoms, and this is recognized as healing crisis. In Chinese Medicine philosophy, true healing should always be preceded by a healing crisis.

QWhy is healing crises happen after taking health supplements?

A:According to Professor Yoshio Niwa, an expert in molecular nutrition,when we increase our nutrients intake, the nutrients will react with the oxygen in the body. And this reaction actually promotes and stimulates the body organ to perform harder to do cleansing, eliminating, replaces old tissues with new tissues, balancing etc. For example, you may be experience more skin rashes, more bowel movement, and these is a sign of the body is going through an intense detoxification. Imagine if your body is like the rusty iron pipes, and when you put in some rust agent or pipe cleaner, initially more rust will be coming off from the wall of the pipes (toxic), and that may make you feel worse and more dirt flooding around the pipe.But after the rust is all cleanse, then the pipe will become nice and clean again.

QIs healing crisis a good sign?

A:Yes. Healing crisis is a sign that shows that the treatment or the supplement that you are taking is working. Some people might think that their symptoms got worst, but instead it is a process of natural healing and it is absolutely a good sign to have to move towards to a real healing process. Generally, healing crisis only happen on healthy person as it indicates that your vitality is still strong enough to create a response on the biological changes during the healing process. However, when there is no healing crisis, it may be because either the person is toxins free and is on optimum well balanced health, or he/she’s vitality is too weak and the body is unable to go through any healing process.

QDoes everyone experience the same signs and symptoms during healing crisis?

A: Everyone is different. Some people experience healing crisis right after he/she took the supplement and others will only occur after a month or two. The severity is also different. The more toxic one’s bodily systems are, the more severe the healing crisis.

QGenerally, how long does healing crisis last?

A:It depends on the individual’s health condition. It may lasts for 2-3 days or months.

QMany people feel better after taking supplement, but I have been using supplement for a while, and I did not notice any difference at all, why?

A:Generally, after 1 to 2 months of supplementation, you should feel some changes (eg. Increase energy, better bowel movemet, etc.) If you did not notice any improvement, the possible explanations are:
1.You did not consume regularly
2.You did not follow the recommended dose
3.Afraid of the healing crisis may be too intense, stop taking all together
4.Poor diet and life style
5.Chronic disease, requires a longer period to recover
6.Chronic condition

Healing crisis sign and symptoms

Healing Crisis
Possible Reasons/Causes
Lethargy, sleepiness
Acidic body, poor liver function, over exhausted, need more rest
Headache, heavy headed
High blood pressure, sign of detoxification
Fever, slight fever, restlessness
Increase metabolism, stimulate body immune function
Diarrhea, increase bowel movements, passing out a dark, smelly stool, foul-smelly urine
Sign of detoxification, accumulated waste and residue in the colon
Flatulence, gassy stomach
Poor digestive system
Break out, rashes, itchy skin, bad sweat, mucus secretion, dandruff
Poor liver function, poor colon health and elimination system
Mucus production such as, phlegm, running nose
Poor lung function, passing out phlegm is also a sign of detoxification
Nasal bleeding
May be a sign of anaemia
Muscles and joints are aching and pain
Acidic body, toxins accumulated at the affected area
Increased pain in affected part of body
Speed up the healing process
Insomnia or hyperactive
Poor nervous system
Irregular period, changes in period, itchy bottom, increased mucus secretion
Hormonal imbalance, in the process of hormone regulation
Bleeding with bowel movements
May be haemorrhoid
Dizziness, hunger
Hypoglycemia, anaemia
Nausea, constipation, hiccups
Poor digestive system, liver problem
Slight edema (swelling)
Kidney problem

Reference: Dr. Mary Ruth Swope, Columbia Unversity

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Jika anda mengalami salah satu daripada tanda-tanda di atas, tidak perlu risau. It's a good sign! Jika perlu, kurangkan dos pengambilan dan yang paling penting, tingkatkan pengambilan air masak. Bagi yang mengalami krisis penyembuhan yang teruk, perlu bersabar. Teruskan pengambilan. Insya-Allah lama-kelamaan akan hilang. Hubungi saya jika mengalami sebarang kemusykilan berhubung krisis pemulihan jika anda membeli daripada saya.  

Siti Nor Kamilah
SMS/Telefon : 013-924 3387
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Facebook : Siti Nor Kamilah